Aresync | Digital Marketing Trends 2023


Like a chameleon that changes cooler and adapts to its environment, digital marketing evolves with the times: by 2023, digital marketing trends in areas such as telemedicine, e-sports, and product delivery will adapt significantly to the online consumer. The future of digital marketing will be complex. Technology, artificial intelligence, and algorithms are transforming complex marketing approaches, and advances are being made yearly.

By the end of 2023, Digital Marketing trends will include heavy advertising and promotion of video content on TikTok and Instagram. SEO for voice search will be a must for all businesses. Looking ahead to 2023: from changes in metasearch advertising capabilities to artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) capabilities, there is much to explore and implement. We spoke with Melissa, Director of Digital Consulting, to find out what changes are in store for digital marketing in 2023, and got some insights. Here are some of the top digital marketing trends that will emerge next year, so get your straw hats ready for the new year.


Over the past few decades, books and movies have made the digital world seem stagnant and irrelevant. Still, it's the smartest, liveliest, most mobile world we can imagine: by 2022, the metaverse will have about 400 million monthly active users, which is expected to grow significantly each month. By 2023, branding in web3, NFT and the metaverse will grow and flourish. Advertising in the metaverse will move from concept to reality, with new revenue streams through digital campaigns in e-commerce, gaming, 3D shopping and immersive experiences.

Despite the rapid growth and adoption of the metaverse, small brands will need help to establish a presence in this digital world. While 74 per cent of U.S. adults have considered entering the metaverse, many entrepreneurs are unfamiliar with the space and don't consider advertising there for fear of being dominated by big brands, which is far from reality. By observing and living this trend firsthand, we can understand the impact and consequences of what is about to happen and how quickly everyone - consumers and brands - will enter the metaverse. It's only a matter of time.

It's only possible to talk about Digital Marketing by talking about AI. Because AI and analytics

Long gone are the days of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks, using out-of-the-box tools such as Google Analytics, Google Data Studio (now Looker Studio), Google Search Console, and "read and understand" marketing approaches. As we mentioned, consumer behaviour will change dramatically in 2023, and lead attribution will become more difficult to track due to multi-channel marketing. Therefore, if you find a marketing technique worth measuring and tracking, plan to use and develop it proactively.

Multi-channel marketing

The world is a complex place, and digital marketing is no exception. It's an art that requires a solid strategy and focused execution to succeed. The beauty of an omnichannel digital approach is that your brand is where your audience is and can reach them with dynamic messages based on search intent and personal interests. By 2023, the omnichannel approach will bring significant benefits to businesses. By 2023, companies will no longer be able to sell exclusively on their website; they will have to use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Etsy and Amazon. Missed channels mean missed sales opportunities.

Focus on organic social media, PPC/SEM, Google advertising, retargeting, geo-targeting, content marketing, organic and paid search, and plan to ensure that all messaging through these different channels is clear and concise. Plan to ensure that.

Consumers need to be able to trust the brand they are buying. Remember, consumers, are paying for the emotions you evoke, not your name. Keep this in mind when considering an omnichannel approach.

By 2023, make sure you know and understand your sales funnel and provide targeted, direct content at different stages of the funnel, such as

Awareness content at the top of the funnel

In the middle of the funnel, provide content that nurtures prospects interested in the brand and considering a purchase.

At the bottom of the funnel, content generates high-value conversions and gets prospects out of the "lateral" phase.

Of course, it's vital that all this content is distributed in different ways: this is the basis and principle of multi-channel marketing.

Primary data

With the phase-out of third-party cookies (RIPs) by 2023, collecting as much primary customer data as possible, including emails has become imperative.



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