Powerful Digital Marketing Strategies 2023

Digital Marketing Strategy: What does Grammids think of when he hears Digital Marketing It is complicated, especially for Grammids; this time, we will discuss digital marketing strategies, and of course, Grameds can apply them directly to business.

digital marketing strategy

Simply put, digital marketing promotes and sells products and services by utilizing digital media such as social media, Google, and email. So what makes Digital Marketing important?

Second, the costs required are less significant than traditional marketing, such as advertisements on television/magazines. Third, Grameds can create marketing materials in various forms (videos, images, writing) and has many easily accessible media options.

However, this cannot run automatically. It takes various processes to make a business grow well. One of them is using the following digital marketing strategy.

List of contents 

What is Digital Marketing Strategy?

Various Kinds of Digital Marketing Strategies

 Implement SEO

Using Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Content Marketing

Utilize Social Media Marketing

 Email Marketing

 Promotional emails

Email Information

How to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy?

Ø  Set Goals

Ø  Do Deep Research

Ø  Collect Data on the Audience You Want to Go to

Ø  Understand the Digital Marketing Funnel

Ø  Create a Content Plan

Ø  Perform Analysis and Evaluation

Books Related to Marketing Management

Materials Related to Marketing Management

What is Digital Marketing Strategy?

digital marketing strategy

The digital marketing strategy is a series of plans to build Grameds' business presence in the digital world or the internet through various digital channels such as social media, PPC, SEO, etc. In other words, Grameds carries out various planned and consistent activities that are carried out online at the right time to achieve specific business goals.

A solid digital marketing strategy will help Gramed businesses achieve specific digital goals through suitable media.

Ads can be found on Google search pages using the Google Ads service.

 Pay-per-click, or PPC, aims to reach more people who search on Google with a keyword. For example, "buy shoes." Then on the Google search page, ads will appear on your page. For example, when Grameds just launched the Grameds business, Grameds might need to try several digital channels to see the effectiveness of each channel. Unlike when the Grameds business is well known by many people, Grameds only needs to focus on bringing in conversions continuously.

Various Kinds of Digital Marketing Strategies

digital marketing strategy

Implement SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO, namely the method used to make a Gramed website or blog in the first position of search engines like Google.

This SEO aims to drive more traffic or people toward the Grameds website. One of the essential things in SEO practice is optimizing the use of keywords and page updates.

For example, when people enter the word "buy pet food" in Google search using SEO, the Grameds page can be in the first position so that more people are likely to click on it, and sales of Grameds products can also increase.

Usually, search engines like Google use keywords, phrases, algorithms, website updating, and language clarity to rank a website on the first page. Therefore, Grameds needs to understand the implementation of SEO in its use on your business pages.

For Grameds who want to use an SEO strategy, here are some ways that Grameds can try applying it to business pages,

Use of particular keywords (most searched for) on page pages or content on the blog

Inserting links from one page to another on one page (internal links)

Make links to your page appear on other pages (backlinks)

Use assistive tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to analyze page traffic

Apart from that, Grameds can also learn to read data from these Google tools, such as the number of new visitors and the number of clicks on each page of the Grameds page.

In implementing this strategy, Grameds can learn it to reduce costs. However, if Grameds ' business proliferates and has sufficient funds, Grameds can form a special team to handle SEO on pages and blogs.

2. Using Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click, or PPC, is an internet marketing model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. Usually, these Pay-per-click or PPC aims to reach more people who search on Google with a keyword. For example, "buy shoes." Then on the Google search page, ads will appear on your page.

For Grameds just starting to use digital marketing, PPC is a beneficial online marketing strategy. This pushes your page to the top of search results, which can also help Grameds acquire customers directly.

Simply put, when using PPC, Grameds pays Google for every ad Grameds place on the search page people click on.

3. Content Marketing

Grameds can provide content in the form of videos, articles on blogs, infographics, and more.

For example, if Grameds has a traveling equipment business, Grameds can make an article about the equipment needed when traveling for the first time. Apart from that, Grameds can also create video content regarding recommendations for travel bags suitable for backpackers.

However, this content will be even more effective if Grameds can combine it with SEO methods. Using SEO, the content Gramed produces will be easily found by people on Google searches. One of them is by entering keywords in the content that Grameds creates. For example, in articles on traveling equipment, Grameds could include keywords such as "Tips for Caring for Picnic Equipment."


In addition, the central part of content marketing is how Grameds creates content that can make an impression on the audience. In the end, it can increase their sense of trust in the business.

Digital marketing strategy4. Utilize Social Media Marketing

Quoting from the Buffer.com page, social media marketing uses social media platforms to connect with audiences to build the brand of the Grameds business, increase sales, and drive website traffic.

Do you know Grameds? 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likelier to recommend it to their friends and family. It makes using social media can be considered in business and marketing.

Grameds can also use various social media, from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. However, Grameds must remember that content creation must be adapted to social media. Because every social media has characteristics and different types of users

Email marketing focuses on retaining existing customers as well as acquiring new ones. Email marketing is an excellent technique for building brand awareness, keeping Grameds company in mind, and driving repeat purchases.

Quoting from the webfx.com page, the main goal of email marketing is to build relationships with customers and provide helpful information to them. Such information can include the latest product news and discount coupons so they can keep returning to buy the product.

For Grameds who intend to use email marketing, Grameds can use the following two types of content.

Promotional emails

Grameds can notify customers of special offers, new product releases, and discounts.

Email Information

With this type of email, Grameds can provide content in the form of various kinds of information, such as tips and tricks or updated information about Grameds' business.

How to Create an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy?

As mentioned above, each business has its strategy according to the needs and objectives of the business. It's just that there are some general steps that Grameds can use, namely:

Set Goals

Before Grameds begins to formulate a strategy, the first step that Grameds must take is to set goals. Whether it's business goals in general or campaign or marketing goals in particular, Grameds should ask themselves what Grameds wants to achieve with Gramed's business and marketing strategy. It sounds simple, but this step required Grameds to set clear and specific goals.

This goal or goal will help Grameds stay focused on the steps Grameds will take. It also helps evaluate the performance of the Grameds campaign. Without goals, Grameds may never know what successful marketing looks like.

 Do Deep Research

Businesses can only survive long by doing in-depth research. This research includes market research, needs research, and other research. A series of research conducted can develop understanding and facilitate Gramed decision-making. This research is the most valuable tool for understanding the complexity of Grameds' business problems.

One of the research steps that Grameds can do is to ask people closest to them to provide feedback on the Grameds business and what they want to get from the Grameds business or product. Even though Grameds will not get a complete response, Grameds will gain many new insights that can be used in digital marketing strategies. So after Grameds has done his research, set realistic goals for Grameds based on the insights Grameds can get.

3. Collect Data on the Audience You Want to Go to

After researching Grameds' business needs, the next thing Grameds has to do is target the audience for Gramed's products or businesses. The target audience is the consumer group most likely to want a Grameds product or service. So it is these people who must see the Grameds campaign because the chances are they will buy or use Grameds products.


The question is, how can Grameds find out who will be the potential target audience?

Grameds can create and develop buyer personas or portraits of Gramed's repeat customers. It includes data about their preferences, behavior on the Grameds page, and consumer habits. From here, Grameds combines Grameds assumptions with actual data collected using Google Analytics, for example.

4. Understand the Digital Marketing Funnel

The digital marketing funnel is a model that represents the entire process of a customer's buying journey from those who don't know. Hence, they know to be interested and become a customer finally. The digital marketing funnel helps Grameds understand Grameds' target audience, which means Grameds can have many opportunities to connect with Gramed's leads at the right time and on the right platform.

Whether Grameds wants to sell online, generate traffic, or collect clicks as an affiliate, Grameds needs a funnel. It is a powerful way to bring visibility into every stage of the Grameds customer relationship.

Create a Content Plan

The content plan is a document that consists of all the marketing assets and data collection functions needed to achieve the goals set out in Grameds' content strategy. In addition, the content plan also consists of a working timeline, what Grameds will do at a specific time, and what type of content Grameds needs to achieve Grameds' digital marketing goals for each channel.

At this stage, Grameds will develop specific marketing strategies for each channel that attracts Grameds subscribers. To keep things organized and consistent, Grameds requires a unique editorial calendar for Grameds content plans. It is a daily map of the creative workflow for producing each content asset in the content plan.

Perform Analysis and Evaluation

Evaluation is an essential thing in Grameds' digital marketing strategy. After Grameds has a strategy, practice this step regularly. How do customers interact with what Grameds shares with them? How is Grameds progressing toward its goals of Grameds?



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