SEO Definition Types Benefits And How It Works

Digital marketing plays an important role in developing a business. It is because the strategies and techniques for implementing digital marketing are useful with the current conditions of digital access users. Quoting the results of a WeAreSocial survey summarized on the BOC website, statistics showed internet users in Indonesia in 2023 will be more than 204 million people. In addition, the average internet usage per day is more than 8 hours. Therefore, it is a huge potential that companies need to take advantage of through digital marketing. One of these digital marketing strategies is search engine optimization or SEO, so the company's website is in the top position on search engines.

Types of Search Engine Optimization

  •          On-Page SEO
  •          Off-Page SEO
  •          Technical SEO
  •          Local SEO
  •          How SEO Works

The Definition of SEO

Quoting from the Google Glossary, SEO is a process to make a site better in search engines. Then launch from Mailchimp, search engine optimization, or SEO directs websites to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) to get more traffic. Generally, this aims to rank on the first page of Google search results for meaningful searches to the target audience. Search engine optimization is a strategy whose main focus is to increase ranking on organic search pages, aka not paid.

SEO Benefits

The goal of search engine optimization is to increase the site's page ranking in search engines. But why do companies need to improve their position in search engine results? The reason is that consumers and prospects ( leads ) can easily find your site.

It can increase marketing campaign awareness and engagement, which will ultimately have an impact on achieving sales targets.

No Cost Required

Another SEO benefit is that it costs nothing, apart from the handling time, if you do it yourself, which is different from other marketing strategies such as pay-per-click. Because search engines will crawl (crawl) on your site for 24 hours, promote useful content and help to find new consumers organically.

Support Content Marketing

SEO can also support content marketing efforts, from high-quality content and optimizing the use of keywords and updating your content regularly.

Making The Most Of PPC Campaigns

The use of search engine optimization can maximize PPC ( pay-per-click )  campaigns. For example, highly ranked pages may have better results using SEO as part of a PPC ad, especially if the keywords have a low cost per click.

Provide Competitive Advantage

Businesses that invest in SEO often get ahead of the competition in search engine results and gain market share. Considering that the effects on Google's start page get more than 90% of traffic, your business site must be included, especially if competitors are also at the beginning of the page.

Can Reach More Audiences

Another benefit of SEO for business is that it can reach more people. By targeting the right keywords, you can attract more prospects who may be interested in your industry.

Local SEO strategies can help attract searchers who are often ready to buy. The first step to getting started with this strategy is to create a Google My Business account. Search engine optimization is about making web pages search engine friendly ( search engine-friendly

Besides that, it can also improve the experience that customers have when visiting your website if a business site can provide quality content and be useful, fast and responsive, and so on.

Get Easy To Compute Results

With SEO, you can track website rankings, conversions, and traffic changes.

For example, you can look at a user's buying journey on each site, including what pages they engaged with, what keywords they used when searching, and whether they completed certain actions.

It is useful as insight to adjust and improve search engine optimization strategies.

Increase User Engagement

Site optimization can generate quality traffic. Because if you have a site with useful content according to the needs of searchers, it is more likely that users will spend more time on your site. Ultimately, this can result in more conversions and increased ROI.

Search Engine Optimization

There are many benefits of using search engine optimization. The four types or techniques of SEO quoting from Sixth City Marketing  include:

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is often called on-site SEO; this type is the process of optimizing website content. It includes body copy, keywords, headers, meta titles, meta descriptions, images, and more.

Maximizing on-page search engine optimization as a marketing effort can help search engines understand the content of your site. For example, when Google understands a business site, search engines will display your site for relevant search queries.

Off-Page SEO

As the name implies, that is off-page or outside the page. So this type of search engine optimization optimizes things off the website. This method can encourage marketers to build better credibility and exposure for the company. Ultimately, it can generate more visitors as well as sales. For the most part, this method focuses on link building, which is getting other reputable sites to link back to your site.

Technical SEO

Launching from Moz, this method refers to actions that can help search engines crawl websites and improve user experience (UX). For example, implementing this strategy includes improving website speed, mobile friendliness, and site structure.

Local SEO

The last type is local SEO, a variation of search engine optimization focusing on a specific area rather than a national focus. This method is about increasing online presence in the community and promoting products or services to local consumers.

How SEO Works

To understand how SEO works, you need to know how search engines work first.

Search engines work by providing results from whatever query the user enters. To deliver these results, search engines conduct surveys and understand the broad network of sites that make up the website. Then, they run sophisticated algorithms that determine what results will return for each search query. SEO works by implementing and improving SEO techniques, such as off-page, on-page, keyword targeting, etc. So, search engine optimization is a technique for maximizing pages to get the best position from the results of how search engines work.

After understanding what SEO is, its benefits, and how it works, you better understand the importance of SEO's role in digital marketing. Therefore, businesses need to do this search engine optimization on their sites. Here are some tips for creating SEO-friendly articles:

Do keyword research. Doing this lets you find out what keywords your audience uses.

Pay attention to good article structure, namely short paragraphs with headings. A good article structure can make it easier for Google to understand the content properly to have a higher ranking. Make short articles. It is intended to make it easier for the audience to read it and immediately find what they want.

Include the appropriate link, whether it's an internal link from your blog site or a trusted external link, as a reference for the contents of the content. Publish articles regularly because this can tell Google that your website is active. That is all about SEO or search engine optimization, an organic digital marketing strategy. Hopefully, the information from this article is useful for you. Also, check out various other informative articles only on Everpro!



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