Aresync | SEO Tools Will Help You Achieve Best Results

Let's start with Excel or Google Sheets. We'll start with one of the most important tools, and I need help to imagine my daily work. I spend a lot of time in Google Sheets, the free online Excel version. SEO is mainly about working with data that needs to be analyzed and drawn. Google Sheets is a great place to plan optimization or the entire strategy. Initial SEO optimization in Google Sheets The Google Sheets tool has another important advantage - many people can use it at the same time. Several people in the team can work on different parts of the SEO audit, or as a client, you can comment on a given element, for example, by asking a question. Below I will present a list of tools we work with in our company; almost all have some form of data export to Excel. It allows him to combine data from various tools and draw even better conclusions. Therefore, please familiarize yourself with at least free Google Sheets. SEO tools for domain visibility analysis Now, let's move on to a group of tools that will help you check the visibility of your website on Google. In most cases, the free ones are enough for you; the others will be useful to more advanced people. You can check the website's visibility for free if you are a business owner.

 Google Search Console

 Google Search Console is a free tool that provides information about the site's status, visibility, and presence in the Google index. This tool will also show many other valuable data. The main advantage of GSC is the fact that you can use it to check which phrases your website is displayed for. You can track search traffic once you've added your site to the tool. Here you can find information such as the queries for which your website is visible in search results, what queries potential customers most often use to enter your website, and what average positions your website is in for these queries. Do you want to learn how to acquire customers from Google effectively? See our SEO course, which is a step-by-step instruction. By clicking on the performance in the left panel, you will see data such as the sum of daily.


Senuto is a Polish tool that analyzes the visibility of websites on Google. In simple terms, this analysis consists of checking the first five pages of search results for over 20 million keywords daily (or weekly) and recording their positions.

Thanks to the tool, you can check for which queries your website appears in Google and what are the positions of your URL addresses for these queries. Moreover, you don't have to limit yourself to your website; you can check the visibility of any other, for example, leaders of a given industry or competition. Data on specific words will allow you to track your website's deficiencies. If your competitors are visible in high positions for a phrase with many searches, it is also worth getting interested in this topic to reach more customers. The sum of words your website appears for is also important. Here the situation is obvious -  the more words appear on the chart, the better. Of course, this will be the case, provided these words are related to your business and can be typed by potential customers.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that collects information about your website traffic. You will learn from it, among others, from which channel users come to the site. Thanks to it, you can check where your customers come from and the percentage distribution of traffic.

SEO is one of the basic of Digital Marketing.

The same tool will be useful for analyzing organic search traffic on your timeline. By selecting the segment of users visiting your website from this source, you can check the progress monthly or yearly.


Ahrefs is a real harvester. It is one of the best SEO tools on the international market. The tool is quite expensive because the price is $ 99 per month in the lowest possible package. As mentioned earlier, the tool, like the Senuto, also checks the positions of many keywords in many countries and languages ​​. Thanks to the tool, you will find out how many keywords a given domain appears on and what kind of traffic these words generate. Of course, this is an estimated value, but it's the best you can get when analyzing the competition.


Semstorm is another Polish visibility analysis tool. In operation, it is similar to Senuto and checks positions for various key phrases, which you can then analyze. Although the principle of operation is similar, it is worth using it to complete the data. I often combine Senuto, Ahrefs, and Semstorm data to get the most accurate picture of the situation.

Keyword analysis tools Keyword analysis is the foundation of an effective SEO campaign. Without knowing the phrases used by potential customers, Google Search Console (free) The previously mentioned Google Search Console is an analytical tool for measuring the views and clicks of your website on Google. But, if your website is already in the search engine, its data will be very helpful when analyzing keywords. Thanks to it, you will find out what words were used by potential users who saw your page.

Google Search Console

The previously mentioned Google Search Console is an analytical tool for measuring the views and clicks of your website on Google. But, if your website is already in the search engine, its data will be very helpful when analyzing keywords. Thanks to it, you will find out what words were used by potential users who saw your page. Google Keyword

Google Keyword Planner

A keyword planner is a tool available in the Google Ads system, but it also works well when searching for potential keywords for SEO purposes. You can use it to check the number of searches or the seasonality of words. This tool will help you choose whether to add more words based on existing ones. The only limitation of the tool is the inaccuracy of the data, which Google deliberately limits. Fortunately, you only need to spend a few zlotys on paid advertising to enjoy a fully functional keyword search tool. AnswerThePublic (free)

Answer The Public

It is a free tool that will show suggestions for questions related to the selected keyword. The tool works by analyzing similar searches. The tool is very simple; after entering your keyword and selecting the language, a graphic is generated to see all the questions and phrases users use when searching for a given word.

All data from the tool can be exported to a .csv file. We also get the option to save .png files automatically generated by, which look like carefully prepared infographics. The tools are based on suggestions from the Google search engine. It gives you insight into what users are most likely to search for, so you can create more targeted articles with specific answers.


Senuto (paid) Senuto can also be used for keyword analysis. After all, the tool has a database of over 20 million phrases that can be searched using various criteria.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a service that provides insight into information and statistics about trends in the most popular Internet search engine. Google Trends can be a helpful tool and an addition to your standard work. You don't have to rely solely on data from Google Keyword Planner or other SEO tools for keyword research and analysis. is a free, useful, and easy-to-use long-tail keyword search tool that can be used for international SEO. Ubersuggest allows you to track keywords available from the level of automatic completion of queries in the Google search engine for results: web, news, graphics, shopping, and query hints in the YouTube search engine. This tool will be a mine of ideas for content for your website, blog, or guide.

Surfer SEO is a Polish tool that serves SEO specialists in Poland and abroad. Surfer allows you to collect competition data and outline the optimization direction quickly. It is worth highlighting here the functions, thanks to which you can compare many ranking factors and their importance in a given case. Thanks to this, you will find out why a given domain is in the first place. All available information is presented in an accessible and aesthetic way, which is an important issue when we want to present it to customers. Ahrefs Webmasters Tools (free) Ahrefs Webmasters Tools is a fairly new on-site analytics tool. AWT allows you to crawl and analyze redirect links and other elements important for SEO. You can set up an account in the tool for free, but you have to consider domain verification - it is impossible to check competitors' domains.

Deep Crawl

DeepCrawl is a premium segment application operating in the cloud, with which you can conduct a technical audit of a website. DeepCrawl can go through the indicated website similarly as search engine robots do while collecting several information, which is then transformed into aggregate reports. DeepCrawl checks the basic parameters of all analyzed pages, such as used titles, H1 headings, alt tags for images, etc. Google speed insights

Google Speed Insgits

 PSI is a tool from Google that analyzes a website's content and then suggests ways to increase its display speed. To start the analysis, enter the website address and wait a moment. This tool will show you the most important errors in page loading delays generated by various problems. You will also learn a lot about what to do to improve the situation. Lighthouse is a full-page speed analysis tool available in every Chrome browser. It can be used to measure the real speed of page loading on your computer. It is worth noting that Google Page Speed ​​works based on this tool! You can run the tool by enabling developer mode in Chrome (e.g., F12). It is located in the "Audits" tab; all you have to do is select the scope of the analysis and use the "Run" button.

CrUX Dashboard

CruUX Dashboard is a simple report you can generate in Google Data Studio. What does this report give? It shows how fast your website is on the computers of your website visitors. Google analyzes page load speed data using the Chrome browser. Thanks to this report, you can see what the real speed of your website is. This is not testing in laboratory conditions (all other tools test like that) but checking how your website works on the computers of your real users. To see this data, follow the instructions from Google. The process is quite complicated. Fortunately, Google has prepared an instructional video:

SEO tools for link building Building links is still an important element of SEO strategy. Although it is slowly losing to content, effective positioning can only be easy with links. Below is a list of tools to help you analyze links and find potential places to place them. Ahrefs (paid)


 Clusteric Search Auditor is a tool used to analyze links, and, above all, it helps prepare links for disavowing them after the filter in Google Disavow Tools. Clustering can also be used to analyze competitors' links or check the quality of expired domains. Majestic Majestic SEO is a tool that used to be the most popular tool for analyzing links leading to a website. Thanks to Majestic, you can check the source of links - not only on your website but also on the website of your competitors. The tool is also popular because it is very easy to use - you do not need to be an outstanding specialist or learn how to use the interface for several days or weeks. It is a convenient tool that we can use intuitively, making work much easier. Summary Tools in SEO are a very important element of work on the domain's visibility. With them, achieving success is much easier but possible. However, you must remember that the tools themselves will not replace the knowledge and experience of a specialist. So, to use these tools, you need to know at least the SEO basics.

Like Ubersuggest, uses Google Autocomplete to generate a list of other phrases based on your primary keyword. This mechanism can be easily observed by typing anything in Google. Usually, Google suggests additional phrases. What is the difference between Google Suggest and suggestions? You will get 5-6 suggestions in Google, the most searched ones., on the other hand, can generate up to 750 long-tailed phrases based on search engine suggestions. SEO tools for on-site analysis On-site SEO optimization is an important element of increasing your visibility on Google. To check all the important elements of the page, for example, when performing an SEO audit, you need the right and effective SEO tools. Here is their list: Screaming Frog (Free)



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