Aresync | How to Master Digital Marketing For Beginners

As an internet user, you've seen it everywhere, in emails from your favorite clothing brands or blog posts explaining why you should learn to play the guitar. Digital Marketing has many advantages, such as low costs, the ability to analyze performance in real-time, diversify goals, communicate directly with customers and grow your business.

Or are your potential customers more interested in books and TV shows? Maybe they are middle-aged men with four children and would appreciate some discount like a family plan.

  • How many years do they have?
  • What percentage of them are women?
  • Where do they live
  • What are their hobbies?
  • What is their annual household income?

In addition to your guesses, you can do some interviews or scan industry reviews to get some facts. Analytics will come in later.

Once you have found this information, you need to approach your target audience differently depending on their stage.

It means you won't say the same to your community; those who follow you on social media always comment on your posts and the new person you want to attract.

Suppose you have a small bookstore. For new people (cold move) to pay attention to you, you must give them something. When they are interested (friendly activity), you introduce them to your books.

High Quality Content

They need a captivating hook. Creating valuable content is the best way to showcase your brand and connect with people. So remember to be HAC:

Be helpful. Do not immediately advertise the sale price. First of all, focus on your consumers. Listen to the consumer's needs and try to solve their problems. Tip: Offer a free resource. Everyone has something to offer or learn. On forums like Quora, answer questions related to your niche and link to your blog where this supports your point of view.

Going back to the bookstore, giving book recommendations, or interviewing authors are things your viewers will love and make them aware of.

Be authentic. Show what makes your brand unique and human and what your values ​​are. Talk about how you started, why, your struggles, and what drove you. Your community wants to connect with you and feel like you sympathize with them.

To get people's attention, be interesting. Refrain from repeating the same old thing. If you feel stuck, go outside, listen to music, anything that can inspire your imagination. Don't try to be perfect. Let yourself be fooled and try new things.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which gets your blog content on the first page of Google, with no payments. It means that it generates organic traffic.

When was the last time you clicked on the second page of Google? That's right: 75% of clicks don't go that far. Good SEO puts you in sight so more people see you.

To achieve this, your website must be user-friendly. Here are a few (out of many) strategies to keep in mind:


Users use these words to search for content. Do some research on Google and find out what people are searching for and the keywords for your niche.

Good grammar, spelling and readability.You are charging speed. A slow website could be more annoying.

Photos, infographics and headlines.However, ensure the images are manageable, or they will slow down your site.

Design. A clean website is essential. Font size, typography and colours must be pleasing to the eye. When in doubt, keep it simple. Less means more.

Mobile optimization. Adapt your site to all screen sizes. Reading from a mobile phone is now quite common.

Paid Ads

Once you've defined your target audience and ensured you're creating quality content, it's time to invest in advertising.

They are the key to showing up in the cold move, directing the friendly activity to your products, and reminding you that they are close to getting that book, constantly checking. Advertising will vary depending on who you want to target.

The next time they open some random page, they'll come across another ad showing them the relevant product you're selling.

They will follow it and look at it if it is delivered well. Maybe they won't buy it then, but later they'll see an ad about a special offer. And boom.

People sometimes need a little push, and that's basically what advertising is about. But remember that it's just pressure, so you have to do your part too. Don't expect it to work miracles.

Paid advertising goes hand in hand with strategy and good content: remembering one makes succeeding easier.

Feel free of the cost, too: budgets vary, and you can start with a small investment. Some advertising options include Pay-per-click (PPC), Cost Per Action (CPA), Cost Per Impression, and PPC.

Digital ads will always be cheaper than traditional ads, and the return on investment (ROI) is much greater. And you can see its performance in real-time.

Social Media

I don't know about you, but I have doubts if I want to buy something and the business doesn't have it on any social media. I won't find real-time information about the brand, which is a big problem.

However, the importance of social media goes far beyond messaging (you can do it via email as well). On social media, you connect with your community and potential customers.

If someone takes a photo of your product or praises your service, they can tag your account, and all their friends will notice you.

Plus, whether it's Instagram, Tik Tok or Snapchat, social media is your chance to show your face - or your community manager's - and be funny.

Ask questions like the ones listed earlier to get a good idea of ​​who you're talking to, and focus on your target audience. Play games with them.

Email Marketing

You have ads that drive people to your site and a friendly customized site that makes them want to stay. What now? Remember that free resource we mentioned earlier?

It will help you go from "they're interested" to "they're buying" (aka converting consumers ).

Here's how it works: to get this free resource, say, a guide to getting started writing stories. If you teach them to write, they must sign up for your newsletter with their emails.

Almost everyone checks their email regularly. Establishes direct and fast communication with clients. Once you get their emails, you can send them highly personalized emails that interest them and display updates on your brand.

You don't have to rely on an algorithm or the odds of someone visiting your retail store to ensure your product is visible. It is delivered directly to people's inboxes.

Another great thing about email marketing is that it's automatic but personalized: makeup emails, for example, are automatically sent to women, and men's perfume emails to men.

When you diversify your target audience, they become people instead of objects, and I look forward to reading these emails.

So post good, quality content that will help your buyer persona. Email marketing has great potential; don't turn it into spam. Nobody wants spam.


In this era of multitasking, putting on headphones and listening to Spotify while on the bus, and cooking dinner, it's pretty standard. Podcasts are becoming more and more popular every day. They are consumed quickly and effortlessly while providing listeners an intimate and warm experience. They are interesting because you talk about your knowledge, and they are emotional.

Imagine you added some storytelling as well. It is perfect for building your audience and increasing your conversion rate. You will reach the heart of your audience and make them fall in love with your business by coming back again and again.

Podcasting is also a new way to earn money. If you have enough followers, you can get advertisers. Since podcasts are pretty easy and cheap to prepare, your return on investment will be huge.

It's common for people to be interviewed on someone else's podcast, and that's great for publicity. You can approach podcasts that interview people in your niche and introduce the host to why it is worth appearing there.

Google Analytics

Okay, planning is the key to saving time on social media. Well, it saves time and money in every aspect of your business

We need to be fully aware of what works and what doesn't. Why sales are falling or how our ads have helped them grow. What type of advertising works best? How much time users spend on your site, their behaviour when they get there and where they come from.

Analytics allows us to see our results, failures and successes in real time and understand them in all detail.

It teaches us what changes must be made and what to improve, making smarter decisions and precise predictions. We understand our weaknesses and strengths, and we know the behaviour of our customers.

You can be very specific or focus on the main things. It shows everything you ask for. The age, interests, and devices of your site's audience bounce rates. What social media attracts more user attention, what content they share, and whether you achieve your goals.

You will find all this in Google Analytics, the most common performance analysis tool. However, there are other options to try.


Time to sell. All the work you put into getting people's attention was getting here. Your email marketing, social media presence, and podcast will lead customers to your e-commerce so they can finally buy your products.

As with campaigns, ads, and customer interactions, the sales process works better online. E-commerce is great for:

Acquiring New Customers: You need more leads in your retail store because you rely on people living nearby. Millions of people worldwide can view your site without any geographic restrictions. E-business extends your reach and seizes opportunities around the world. As you grow and develop, so will your website. The internet location may come into play. When you want to sell to different countries, factors such as language and culture ultimately come into play.

 Accelerate the shopping process: customers can avoid walking physically and thus make a purchase in a second. The product is one click away instead of the city.

Sell ​​Anytime Anywhere: You can manage your business from home, and they can shop from their offices or late at night before bedtime.

Cost Reduction: Many brands do not or do not display their products in a physical space, but this is a minor one. This one saves on rent, electricity, sellers, etc. At the same time, it allows you to lower prices and attract more customers.

You must choose a name if you're starting from scratch and need a retail store. Then make sure your potential business domain is available. If not, you can think of alternatives like this instead of .com, use: Co and stuff like that.

And the fantastic thing is that many email marketing/CRM services have e-commerce tools like retargeting. All of the strategies we've listed go hand in hand and help each other.

Now that you see the importance of  and know the best strategies, it's time to get started! Stay calm with all these strategies.


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